“Someone burned my broom, and now it’s not working” Microfibre vs Disposable Wipes. Mark Ambler-Diversey, Michael Derro-Clorox, Michael Rochon-PCS | Outstanding | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Not Applicable |
“Now, my beauties something with poison in it but attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell. Poppies, poppies will put them to sleep!” Sometimes our environment looks beautiful on the surface but how do we keep dangerous things out of our environment? Meaghan Sloan- Daniels, Wes Ellis-Stericycle | Outstanding | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Not Applicable |
“How to avoid getting caught in the eye of the Tornado” Emerging Illnesses and how to Combat them”. Jim Gauthier-Diversey, Mark Heller-Hygiene Performance Solutions | Outstanding | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Not Applicable |
“Someone Landed a House on Me! Now I can’t Work!” Injuries in the workplace and how to avoid them. Jacqueline Bacon-OSMH, Rory Daniel-OSMH | Outstanding | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Not Applicable |
“Horse of a Different Colour” Hand Towels vs Hand Dryers. Jennifer Viger-Essity, Lee Hon-KCC | Outstanding | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Not Applicable |
“We’re not in Kansas anymore so it’s time to update your flooring!” VCT, linoleum/marmoleum, non-slip, low maintenance/no maintenance. Ann Marie Hearn-Forbo, Chris Johnson-Altro Canada | Outstanding | Good | Satisfactory | Needs Improvement | Not Applicable |