
CHHA Affiliate

Advanced and evolving solutions you can count on.

Backed by over a century of disinfecting expertise to help fight the spread of HAIs.
Trusted by more than 2,000 US hospitals.

Why take chances with your infection prevention protocol?
Clorox Healthcare understands that safeguarding patient environments requires advanced
and evolving solutions.

Comprehensive Line of Products
With a broad range of innovative disinfectants like bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and enhanced UV technology, our comprehensive portfolio offers best-in-class solutions to help reduce HAI rates in your facility.

Next-Generation Bleach Is Here
Clorox Healthcare® Fuzion™ Cleaner Disinfectant kills C. difficile in 2 minutes, and it’s low-odor and easy on surfaces.

Knowledge & Expertise
Get the facts on HAI prevention, pathogen types, and how to ensure proper surface disinfection as part of an effective infection prevention program.

Have a question you would like to ask?

We are available to answer any questions you may have and encourage you to contact us through email or phone at your convenience.

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